BC, my birthplace, and home for over half my life.
Long Beach, Vancouver Island   Long Beach   Long Beach, Vancouver Island   Long Beach LongBeach5  Long Beach 2 LongBeach3  Long Beach 3 LongBeach1  Fog moving in, Long Beach
LongBeach4  Sunset at Long Beach IMG 0834  BC Ferries terminal Schwartz Bay, Vancouver Island, early morning IMG 20140419 122759  A rainy Victoria day IMG 0287  Welcoming sign to the almost-ghost town of Coalmont, interior of BC    Coalmont, BC
No sales  Coalmont 2 IMG 0849  Pretty and historic little town of Greenwood, BC, an old mining town in the Boundary district.   Greenwood, BC IMG 0838  Greenwood 2 IMG 0839  Greenwood 3
IMG 20140419 154940  Chinatown Victoria 1 IMG 20140419 155051  Chinatown Victoria 1 IMG 20140419 154633  Chinatown Victoria 3 IMG 20140419 154806  Chinatown Victoria 4
IMG 20140421 154605  The forest can be scary! IMG 20140421 154701  Rainforest 1 IMG 20140421 154708  Rainforest 2 IMG 20140421 154827  Rainforest 3
IMG 20140421 154848  Rainforest 4 IMG 20140421 154956  Rainforest 5 Cow BayIMG 20150126 162227  This, and the following several photos: a bunch of shots of fog over Cowichan Bay, Mount Tzouhalem in the background, as darkness falls. Cow BayIMG 20150126 162234  Cow Bay 2
Cow BayIMG 20150126 162241  Cow Bay 3 Cow BayIMG 20150126 162244  Cow Bay 4 Cow BayIMG 20150126 162247  Cow Bay 5 Cow BayIMG 20150126 170509  Cow Bay 6
Cow BayIMG 20150126 170513  Cow Bay 7 Cow BayIMG 20150126 170519  Cow Bay 8 Cow BayIMG 20150126 170527  Cow Bay 9 Cow BayIMG 20150126 172756  Cow Bay 10
Cow BayIMG 20150126 172825  Cow Bay 11