Nova Scotia

I love the Maritimes, these are some shots from my 7 years in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
IMG 1113  Tuft's Cover power plant, near my house. I always found these smoke stacks to be iconic.    Tuft's Cove Generating Station IMG 1117  Stacks 2 IMG 1123  Bear River   Bear River DuneGrass  Dune Grass
100 0574  Cape Breton 100 0576  Cape Breton 2 100 0588  Net shed 100 0589  Net shed 2
100 0618  Wacky display of dummies. 100 0620  Dummies 2 100 0621  Dummies 3 100 0622  Dummies 4
100 0623  Dummies 5 100 0624  Dummiess 6 100 0626  Dummies 7 100 0627  Dummies 8
100 0628  Dummies 9 100 0631  Tranquil scene near Guysborough, NS 100 0632  Guysborough 2 100 0654  Guysborough 3
Scene5  Fishing stages, Lunenburg, NS Scene6  Blue Rocks, near Lunenburg 100 0970  McDonald bridge   Halifax Harbour Bridges 100 0977  Nice little cottage where I spent a couple of days relaxing
100 0978  Cottage near Lunenburg